3 dec. 2007

Urgent message to Blogger Support crew - link to ALL commentators again, will you?

Dear Google Blogspot Support crew (or whatever your name is):

Immediately remove the new type of Blogspot Comments form, where only Blogger account users are being linked to! ;" There is now no link function for people with other blog hosts)

....and replace it with the old system which we had until last week, where ALL commentators' blogs were referred to in the comments field.

Or i'm thinking of changing web host (sad to, since Blogspot has the absolute best form of free layout design)
I understand that You want every last human being in the world to have a Google Blogger account. Things would probably be easier for you then, with all types of control systems enabled.

But believe me, monopolies have absolutely nothing to do with democracy and the free market. The plan will probably backfire in some kind of way. For example: In arrested technique developments.

I also understand Blogger Support constantly keeps changing its url and email (peculiar, indeed!!), so You can not be reached in any other way than this, it seems. I've searched Google for "Contact Blogger" and "Blogger support" & "Letters to Blogger" with no result.
Improve, please!

And while You're at it; finally enable a function for us Bloggers to send pingbacks, like the rest of the whole blogosphere (Wordpress, Blogsome, Typepad, etc...) can,

Thank you, ladies and gentlemen at the Google Blogger crew!

Ps. Mind You, I think i speak for many blog authors when i say this

Edit: Blogger improved! :) :)

Blog reactions to this post:
Mer Google-gnäll (IKAs ord 2.0)

8 kommentarer:

Johan Stenberg sa...

Jag yrkar bifall!

Johan Stenberg sa...

Testar Z:s knep.

Hosanna sa...

OM inte annat så talar du för mig som blir skitsne på att behöva logga in med ett googlekonto vareviga gång.

Dag Selander sa...

Och... utan din specialkod... händer vaddå? tro...

Z sa...

Dag & alla:

Gå gärna in på denna Blogger-Wishlist-sida för att protestera mot det nya kommentarsformuläret som "tvingar" kommentatorn att ha Blogger/Blogspot-konto (ett sådant har du, Dag, men inte alla andra)

Scrolla ner till botten av sidan och skriv in t ex:

"Immediately change to the old comment form where other people than members of Blogger could leave their URLs"

Klicka på "Sent it"

Vad ni då skriver är:

....att ni genast vill ha tillbaka det gamla kommentars-formuläret på blogspot, där ALLA kommentatörer blev länkade till, inte bara Blogspot-ers

Sueblimely sa...

Nice post Z. The planned OpenId login will only go some way to alleviating the problem unfortunately.

Z sa...


Thanks! Unfortunately this is my only English blogpost so far. I suspected that the Swedish division of Google Blogger is merely a servant with not much influence and that tha master headoffice lies in the US (hence the english)

Try and href-tag your links when commenting in blogspot.

Unfortunetly i can't write the href-tag-link-code here because it will self-deploy,
so you will not see it,
but if you send me a mail i will write down the short href-line.

The result looks like this:

Plastfarfar sa...

...dom håller alltså på att rulla ut en lösning där alla med ett OpenID-konto kan logga in.

Då känns det inte så angeläget att protestera.

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